Town Hall Community Forums

At Manna Institute, we are dedicated to improving mental health and wellbeing in rural, regional and remote Australia. Our meaningful research – in the regions and for the regions – seeks to promote innovative approaches to solve real-world issues.

Share your thoughts about mental health in the New England - Thursday 10th October, 5-7:30pm, Armidale Town Hall.

Join the conversation at Manna Institute’s first Town Hall event, on World Mental Health Day, October 10, facilitated by Manna Research Fellow Associate Professor Sarah Wayland. This forum is open to people working on the frontline, in community services, for not-for-profits, councils, schools, UNE and those with Lived and Living Experiences of mental ill-health and their carers.

At Manna Institute, we are dedicated to improving mental health and wellbeing in rural, regional and remote Australia. Our meaningful research – in the regions and for the regions – seeks to promote innovative approaches to solve real-world issues.

We have made great inroads in three short years, but we don’t yet have all the answers. This is where we need your help. To establish the best ways forward.

Community consultation and input is vital to Manna because it allows the institute to develop appropriate, sustainable solutions. We don’t do this alone; Manna also prioritises:

• Collaboration with industry partners;

• Program evaluation;

• Practical research projects; and

• Translating knowledge in to practice

We welcome your participation in a thoughtful discussion about mental health needs in the New England. Your valuable contributions will help ensure that our ongoing research is based on real community priorities and that our growing network continues to foster powerful collaboration.

WHEN: October 10 from 5-7:30pm

WHERE: Armidale Town Hall, 127 Rusden Street

RSVP: by COB Thursday 26 September (Please ensure you register for this event - we require RSVPs for catering and survey distribution)

Please note that Mental Health First Aid officers will be in attendance. You may also wish to reach out if you have questions about attendance, preparedness for discussion and any other accessibility needs you may have.