
PhD Scholarships to further regional mental health on offer!

At Manna Institute, we recognise that researchers based in rural and regional communities are fundamental to improving mental health outcomes. We offer a suite of scholarships designed to attract, develop and retain research staff and students while they develop valuable research skills and careers in their location of choice. We want prospective student researchers to envisage a future career in mental health research and to bring their growing experience and knowledge to bear in solving real problems in real contexts.

Our RUN partner universities are offering PhD scholarships in 2024 to explore the mental health needs of Regional Australians. PhD Scholarships will be awarded to successful candidates to join the Manna Institute in engaging in research projects under the following thematic areas of importance to regional mental health. Candidates must develop a project that aligns with one of four Manna Institute Research streams, described below.

Four research streams that target:

a. mental health and wellbeing;

b. existing and emerging workforce development including peer workers;

c. individual health and wellbeing; and

d. priority populations and the changing environmental conditions that impact on mental health.

About the application process

The University of New England is offering two identified First Nations PhD scholarships in 2023 to explore the mental health needs of Regional Australians. These three-year PhD Scholarships will be awarded to successful candidates to join the Manna Institute in engaging in research projects under the four Manna Institute Research Collaboratives.

Applications are open until filled. *The scholarships are identified for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates. We further encourage applicants from gender diverse, LGBTQIA+, persons with disabilities, and those from all backgrounds and ethnicities.

The University of Sunshine Coast UniSC are offering the below HDR scholarship opportunity in 2023 to explore the mental health needs of Regional Australians. The three-year PhD Scholarship will be awarded to a successful candidate to join the Manna Institute in engaging in research projects under the four Manna Institute Research Collaboratives.

Federation University is pleased to partner with the Manna Institute to offer a PhD scholarship to explore the mental health needs of Regional Australians. This three-year PhD Scholarship is identified for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidate. The successful candidate will join the Manna Institute in engaging in research projects under the following thematic areas of importance to regional mental health.

“The institute engages experts, those with lived experience of mental ill-health, First Nations peoples and service providers to co-design research with direct applications. It is an innovative approach designed to find evidence-based solutions to support vulnerable populations earlier and more effectively."

Manna Institute Director, Professor Myf Maple.